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가짜 목조 트러스
Fake Wooden Truss

1928년 경성공립농업학교 (현 서울시립대학교) 강당신축설계도.
1926-1928년경 작성 추정, 벽돌조 건물에 목조로 트러스를 올려 경사지붕을 채용하였습니다.
A blueprint for the new auditorium of Kyungsung Public Agricultural School (Current University of Seoul) in 1928.
Estimated write around 1926-1928. A sloped roof was adopted by placing a wooden truss on a brick building.

자료출처 : 행정안전부 국가기록원 일제시기 학교건축도면
Source: Architectural drawing of the school in the Japanese Colonial Period, National Archives, Ministry of Public Administration and Security

가짜 목조 트러스 Fake Wooden Truss
아크릴 봉, 지점토, 방치된 벽돌 acrylic rod, paper clay, abandoned bricks
가변설치, 총 5개 dimensions variable, total 5 pieces

Exhibited at《Lands》 (2023, UOS Redbrick gallery , Seoul)

*작업에 사용된 벽돌은 근대문화유산이며, 전시 종료 후 반납했습니다.
*The bricks used in the sculpture are cultural heritage of modern times, and were returned after the exhibition ended.

가짜 가짜 목조 트러스 Fake Fake Wooden Truss

아크릴 봉, 지점토, 벽돌  acrylic rod, paper clay, bricks
가변설치, 총 5개  dimensions variable, total 5 pieces

(사진 Photo : 이강준 Lee Kang-June)

Exhibited at《Lands, Cake》 (2023, Art Space Seogyo, Seoul)

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